Imaging Workshop Series: Fall 2002

Scope: These casual workshops examine the various brain imaging methods and associated tools that we use in our lab. The focus is on "Functional Brain Imaging", which can cover a lot of ground. There are both software/analysis and methodology workshops. The software-oriented presentations emphasize a hands-on approach to using the various brain imaging software packages lying around our lab. Many of the sessions are directed at new users who are wondering if and how a software package could help them in their research. Others are aimed at intermediate users who want to use a piece of software more efficiently or discover new analysis approaches. The methodology workshops examine how to use the various leading-edge imaging technologies at our disposal, with the aim of encouraging people to use the best tool to answer their particular brain imaging question.

Each week, a knowledgable "driver" will present a method or a software package, going through details such as a typical analysis with a sample data set, and stopping for as many side trips as possible. Sample data sets will be stored permanently at the Keck Lab so folks can practice at their leisure.

People from outside the lab are welcome to attend. Audience participation is encouraged, and the schedule is flexible. Each week's topic is independent, so you can pick and choose which sessions you want to attend. As you can see, there are a number of open slots below. If you want to suggest a topic, email Terry Oakes (


This is a schedule in flux. Please check it for recent updates, especially if you are planning on travelling a long distance to catch a particular talk.

When What Driver Online Reading Location Time
Oct 1,2 ROI Drawing Terry BrainMaker Keck Imaging Lab Tues, Wed. 3:30
Oct 8 Posters with Illustrator Terry Keck Imaging Lab Tues 3:30
Oct 9 Introduction to Unix/linux John Koger Keck Imaging Lab 3:30
Oct 15 IDL Programming Objects Terry Keck Imaging Lab 3:30
Oct 17 Imaging Statistics Keith Worseley Keck Imaging Lab 4:00
Oct 22 AFNI Intro Hillary Schaefer AFNI page Keck Imaging Lab Tues. 3:30
Oct 23 AFNI Statistics Hillary Schaefer AFNI page Keck Imaging Lab 3:30
Oct 30 3D Brain Display Terry BrainSpinner Keck Imaging Lab 3:30
Nov 6 Voxel-Based Morphometry Moo Chung Keck Imaging Lab 3:30
Nov 13 Cortical Surface Extraction Fan Ding Level Sets Keck Imaging Lab 3:30
Nov 20 PET data analysis Terry FDG, Patlak plots Keck Imaging Lab 3:30
Nov 27 Thanksgiving Break --- --- --- ---
Dec 4 Coregistration and DVM Yuefeng Lu Keck Imaging Lab 3:30
Dec 11 EEG Intro Larry Greischar EEG Intro Keck Imaging Lab 3:30
Dec 18 Voxel-Based Morphometry II Moo Chung Keck Imaging Lab 3:30

Location: Meet in the Keck Imaging Lab Conference Room (T-137) in the new Waisman addition. See the "Location" column above for last-minute changes.

Time: 3:30 PM most Wednesdays. We will go for an hour or so, give or take an hour.

Questions? Please email any questions or comments to Terry Oakes ( If you have an interesting and/or useful piece of software you would like to demonstrate, we would love to see something new. If you are interested in a topic that is not presented this Fall, ask Terry about it- we might be able to whip something up.

RSVP: None needed.

Previous Workshops: You can see topics covered in previous workshops below:

Instructions for drivers: If you are presenting one of the segments, please read the driver's guide.

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