Imaging Workshop Series: 2000 Fall


When What Driver Online Reading
09/14 SPM99 fMRI analysis Terry Oakes, Michael Anderle Matthew Brett's SPM intro, other SPM sources.
09/21 SPAMALIZE BrainMaker (ROIs) Terry BrainMaker homepage
09/28 BrainVoyager cortical flatmaps Larry Greishar LfAN's BrainVoyager page
10/05 AFNI intro Aaron Olson, Hillary Schaefer AFNI resources
10/12 VoxBo intro Brad Postle VoxBo webpage
10/19 AFNI 3D, advanced topics Wil Irwin, Hillary Schaefer AFNI resources
10/26 AIR coregistration Terry LfAN's AIR webpage
11/02 SPM99 random effects analysis Terry, Michael, Wil LfAN SPM resources.
11/09 BrainVoyager and BESA Larry LfAN's BrainVoyager page
11/16 SPAMALIZE BrainSpinner Terry BrainSpinner homepage
11/23 Thanksgiving - Turkey
11/30 PET analysis (FDG, FDOPA, etc.) Terry FDG analysis
12/07 Loreta EEG source localization Diego Pizzagalli Loreta homepage
12/14 VoxBo menus, advanced topics Brad Postle VoxBo webpage

Time: 2:00 PM most Thursdays. We will go for a couple of hours, give or take an hour and a half.

Questions? Please email any questions or comments to Terry Oakes ( If you have a cool and/or useful piece of software you would like to demonstrate, we would love to see something new.

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