Nagesh Adluru, Nagesh Sharma, Nagesh CS Graduate Student, Temple CIS Graduate Student

inspiring phrases
feed back
web hosting India

Creating a web site means creating a set of html pages each containing different content centrally.  The index.html is the main file (like main function in a C program) that is showed when the web address for the home page is clicked.


When we have different html pages and when index.html is the first page that is opened how do people know of other pages and how can they visit them?  Well we can have different links which help navigate from one page to another.  We can insert hyperlinks for a text from insert menu.


People like different styles for pages.  So we can apply different styles to different pages either using different themes for each page or some "style sheets" that specify style for all the pages.

Using style sheets we change themes very easily.  Just one change in style sheet and the change is reflected all through the pages that are dependent on that style sheet.  It is very easy to connect a html and style sheet link.  It can be done using "style sheet links" in format menu.  Specifying style means specifying the font, specifying background, foreground and headings etc...  We need not worry much about creating style sheets... they can be created automatically using the built in themes.


Frames are like place holders for web pages.  We know that the index.html page is displayed on the start.  Normally it is divided into "frames".  Typically into left frame for main links, banner frame for the banner and main frame for the current page that is centrally to be displayed.  When inserting hyperlinks we can specify the "Target Frame" in which the linked page should open.  Normally the linked pages are opened in the main frame.  We can have different style sheets for pages that are decided to be displayed in different frames.  For example for main frame pages like home, academics, resume, thoughts etc... that are displayed in main frame we can have one style sheet and one style sheet for banner frame and one for left frame.  Creating frames is only once when we create index.html.

For the above example left.html is "decided" normally to be placed in the left frame, banner.html to be in top frame and the other pages to be in the middle frame.  At one time a frame can display only one page.