Nagesh Adluru, Nagesh Sharma, Nagesh CS Graduate Student, Temple CIS Graduate Student

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Tips for getting a driver's license in Pennsylvania:

  1. First get the driver's manual from an International Office in a university or any other source.
  2. Read the manual and take some online practice tests (just to get a feel for it). Clear the writing test.
  3. For the driving test, the tough part is not driving mechanisms but following the rules. Remember knowing is different from implementing.
  4. One tip is test drive on the possible circuits to get it right the first time itself. Your goal should be mainly not to lose any points on the driving test.

  1. For that remember the following the following protocol:
    1. Put the seat belt on when you get into the driver's seat and make sure the other passenger's have them on.
    2. Adjust the mirrors to your needs.
    3. Make sure you release emergency brakes.
    4. Make sure you signal all your turns.
    5. If you are using somebody else's car make sure you know where the different key controls are.
    6. Be very proactive with traffic signals when driving.
    7. Change lanes with sufficient speed and by checking blind spots.
    8. Make sure you interpret the traffic signals and other signals right (this is very key tip). Don't assume! Either read or ask reliable people.
    9. Make sure you practice parallel parking in the test spot. It's very uncommon that somebody does parallel parking well at all places without practice. This is one of the best examples in driving scenario to show the difference between knowing theory and implementing it. Probably because it has to do with looking back and perceiving things.