Deformation Field
(c) Moo K. Chung, 2008
Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior
University of Wisconsin-Madison
April 14, 2008
The code will
manipulate the 3D deformation field on top of a template. The code is
based on MATLAB 7.5 and Analyze
7.5 format using the Mac Core-Duo laptop.
Loading a template image and applying deformation
14, 2008
the template images (template.hdr, template.img).
>>image_info = analyze75info(file_name)
>>template = analyze75read(image_info);
Load a deformation field into three variables volx,voly,volz. Each
voxel position (i,j,k) will be deformed to
>>x= i+round(volx(i,j,k));
This routine is made into a function
Unfortunately, the discretization process will cause some voxels to be
not filled with intensity value. The discritization error of not
filling up every voxel will not be a problem for cortical mesh.

Figure 1. Left: Original template
image. Right: deformation field applied to the template. The deformed
image shows the discretization error.
14, 2008